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12th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health

Arlington, Virginia

Raising the Bar on the Rigor, Relevance, and Rapidity of Dissemination and Implementation Science

As we continue to work collaboratively to enhance the research agenda supporting the dissemination and implementation of evidence and evidence-based interventions, we recognize the importance of reaching for ever greater improvements in the way in which science is conducted. We need our armamentarium of valid and reliable measures and research designs to grow in their quantity and quality. We need to ensure that the research questions we ask within our studies are as relevant to the multiple community, practice and policy stakeholders for whom our work is intended to benefit. And we need to improve the efficiency and pace at which our studies are conducted and our study findings are applied in healthcare and community practice.

This year’s conference theme, Raising the Bar on the Rigor, Relevance, and Rapidity of Dissemination and Implementation Science, is intended to help us map the way forward for improvements in the development, execution and application of D&I science.

Register here.