National Surveys Gauging Prevalence of Social Care-Related Activities in the Health Care Sector

In 2018, SIREN researchers reviewed the findings from 23 different national surveys collected through September 2018 that included questions about health care-based social care assessment and intervention activities. A report summarizing our findings will be finalized in 2019. In the meantime, we are making information about the different surveys accessible. The table below is divided into six sections reflecting the health care stakeholder groups surveyed in these different initiatives: state Medicaid agencies, other payers, hospitals and health care systems, community health centers and primary care clinics, providers, and patients. When available, we include links to sites that describe the surveys or summarize findings. Information about sampling frames and response rates is also included in the table.

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State Medicaid Agencies | Payers | Hospitals & Health Systems | Community Health Centers | Providers | Patients
Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2017 and 2018 (2017) Kaiser Family Foundation State Medicaid medical directors 50 state Medicaid medical directors n = 50 (100%)
Survey of Medicaid medical directors (2017) Ohio State University State Medicaid medical directors 42 members of the Medicaid Medical Directors Network n = 17 (41%)
Survey of Medicaid managed care plans (2017) Kaiser Family Foundation Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) All (277) comprehensive Medicaid MCOs in the 39 U.S. states (including D.C.) that use comprehensive managed care for any Medicaid enrollees. MCO executives were asked to complete the survey on behalf of their MCO. n = 95 plans (34%), representing 31 of 39 states.
Industry Pulse (2018) Change Healthcare & HealthCare Executive Group Private payers and healthcare executives Online, sent to over 2,000 Change Healthcare customers n = 120 (6%). Of the respondents, 54% represented health plans.
Survey of Medicaid managed care plans (2018) Institute for Medicaid Innovation Medicaid managed care plans Medicaid Health Plans of America (MHPA) members (N not provided) 68% (n not provided)
Essential Hospitals Population Health Survey (2016) America's Essential Hospitals Essential Hospitals Institute Essential Hospitals 108 hospital systems, representing the 262 members of America's Essential Hospitals. n = 44 systems (41%) representing 109 hospitals (42%)
Social Determinants of Health Hospital Survey (2017) Deloitte Center for Health Solutions Hospitals 4257 individuals representing all US hospitals. Respondents were excluded if they were unfamiliar with social needs activities happening in hospitals (23%) n = 284 (22%)
Name unknown (2017) American Hospital Association/Health Research & Educational Trust (AHA/HRET) Hospitals Report pending Report pending
Population Health Survey (2015) Children's Hospital Association (CHA) Children's hospitals Administered online to 207 members of CHA. n = 73 (35%). All respondents have full or partial responsibility for population health in their hospital
National Survey of Healthcare Organizations & Systems (2018) Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice Health systems, hospitals, and primary care practices 735 leaders of systems, 1483 leaders of hospitals and 4623 leaders of primary care practices. Random sample of health systems, practices/hospitals within those systems, and of independent hospitals and practices. Report pending
National MLP survey (2016) National Center for Medical-Legal Partnerships (MLPs) Health care organizations participating in MLPs 266 health care organizations (including hospitals, health systems, and clinics) participating in MLPs. n = 128 (48%)
National Survey of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) (2013 and 2018) Commonwealth Fund FQHCs 2013: 1128 executive directors or clinical directors of FQHCs
2018: survey in field
2013: n = 679 (60%)
2018: survey in field
Survey of Community Health Centers (2018) National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) Community Health Centers (CHCs) Survey in field Survey in field
Uniform Data System (2009 and 2014) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) HRSA-supported health centers and look-alikes All HRSA-supported health centers and look-alikes are required to submit data annually. HRSA provided SIREN with data from the 239 clinics who participated in the HRSA Health Center Patient Survey in either 2009 or 2014. n = 239 (100%) (required reporting)
Cornet Social Determinants of Health Survey (2017) American Pediatrics Association Continuity Research Network (APA CORNET) Pediatric resident continuity clinics Electronic survey of 158 continuity clinic directors recruited through APA CORNET n = 65 (41%)
International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Doctors (2012 and 2015) Commonwealth Fund Primary care physicians in 11 countries, including the US Interviewer-administered. Representative random samples of primary care physicians. Data were weighted. 2012: US: n = 1012 (33%)
2015: US: n = 1001 (39%)
Social Determinants of Health Survey (2017) American Association of Family Physicians (AAFP) Family physicians Self-administered, online and mailed to 5000 active AAFP members. n = 484 (10%)
Physician Survey on Social Determinants of Health (2017 and 2018) Leavitt Partners Physicians Self-administered, online survey through Qualtrics survey software. Medscape provided the sampling frame (approx. 12,420). 2017: n = 621 (5%)
2018: currently in field
Periodic Survey of Fellows (2014) American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Pediatricians Self-administered questionnaire mailed to a random sample of approximately 1500 non-retired U.S. members of the AAP. n = 708 (47%)
Health Care's Blind Side (2011) Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Primary care providers and pediatricians Online questionnaire sent to a random sample of 20,000 primary care providers and pediatricians listed in the American Medical Association Masterfile. n = 1000 (5%)
Leavitt Partners Consumer Survey (2017 and 2018) Leavitt Partners Consumers The consumer survey sampling frame was provided by Qualtrics panel aggregator service. Sample weights applied: gender, race, age, education, and income. 2017: n = 5031. Response rate unknown
2018: Survey in field
Health Center Patient Survey (2014) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) Health center patients Computer-assisted personal interviewing of people who met the definition of a health center patient used in BPHC's Uniform Data System, using a multi-stage sampling technique (grantee, site, and patient). Sample weights applied. 169 unique grantees recruited.
Patient interviews:
CHC n = 3,965
MHC n = 1,217
HCH n = 1,230
PHPC n = 590
Response rates unknown
The United States of Aging Survey (2014) National Council on Aging Older adults US adults 60 and older, with oversampling on low-income seniors, socially-isolated seniors and seniors living in Dallas, Newark and Cleveland (2014) or Denver and Cincinnati (2015) n=3279; response rate unknown