SIREN Podcast
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Since December 2020, SIREN has hosted a podcast channel focused on hot topics in social care research, policy, and practice. Our channel brings together edited recordings of recent webinars alongside exclusive, podcast-only conversations. You can listen to all the episodes at any time by subscribing to our podcast on Apple, Stitcher, Spotify, or using the links below.
Latest Episodes
Where should healthcare invest in food security interventions? Lessons from recent research
Evidence is mounting about the impacts of interventions such as medically tailored meals and produce prescriptions on diet-related health conditions, fueling interest in these interventions among healthcare organizations and payers.
Consumer perspectives on the Camden Coalition care management RCT (Part 2 of 2)
This is the second of a two-part webinar series on implications of the Camden Coalition’s RCT results.
Lessons from the Camden Coalition's Care Management RCT (Part 1 of 2)
This is the first of a two-part webinar series on implications of the Camden Coalition’s RCT results.
Organizational Dilemmas in Integrating Medical and Social Care to Improve Health Equity
On March 29, 2024, the Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics convened a session of the Organizational Ethics Consortia Series on social care.
New SIREN Social Care Conceptual Model
On Monday March 11th participants joined us for a conversation about the new SIREN Social Care Conceptual Model! Emerging evidence suggests that social care programs do not affect health solely by connecting patients with social services and reducing socioeconomic barriers.
What Should the Healthcare Sector’s Role Be in Addressing Adverse Social Drivers of Health?
Although there is no question that adverse social circumstances negatively impact health and healthcare outcomes, it is not clear what the healthcare sector’s role should be in addressing these adverse social factors.
Lessons from Abolition Work in Other Sectors: What Can Social Care Learn?
Social care practice and research are often inspired by intentions to advance health equity. However, social care is often planned and executed without a clear recognition of and confrontation with the racism, particularly anti-Black racism, that has led to existing inequities.
Two Poems for Poetic Health Justice: Poetry as Praxis for an Antiracist and Decolonized Future of ‘Radical Possibility’
Health research remains ensconced in a heavily positivist, reductionist, settler-colonial, racial-capitalist “ritual” of knowledge extractivism and expropriation wherein credentialed researchers mine marginalized communities for data to (re)package and (re)distribute as their (our) own knowledge.
Measuring Racial Health Equity in Social Care Research
Each year an increasing number of original research articles are published about healthcare-based social care programs and policies. However, relatively few of these studies measure the impact of social care interventions on different racial or ethnic minority groups.
Actions Speak Louder: Fulfilling Social Care’s Racial Health Equity Potential
The final panel at the SIREN 2022 National Research Meeting: Racial Health Equity in Social Care featured four Experts by Experience (Lisa Hamlett, Mike McNear, Ann Reynoso, and Stephanie Wa
Implementation Research on Social Screening in Healthcare Settings
In this episode, we are joined by Cherelle Vanbrakle, MEd, the Director of Health Promotion and Community Advocacy at People’s Community Clinic based in Austin, TX, and Andrea Nederveld, MD, MPH, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado, to discuss
Asset-Based Screening in Healthcare Settings
In this episode, we are joined by Jaedon Avey, Health Program Analyst, and L’aakaw Eesh Kyle Wark, Researcher, both of whom are from the Southcentral Foundation in Anchorage Alaska, a non-profit, tribally owned and operated healthcare organization serving 65,000 Alaska Native/American Indian peop
Patient and Caregiver Perspectives on Social Screening in Healthcare Settings
In this episode, Sarah Coombs, the director for health system transformation at the National Partnership for Women & Families, and Janice Tufte, an active patient partner in research, evidence generation, measurement, and care improvement, discuss their reactions to the patient and patient ca
Provider Perspectives on Social Screening in Healthcare Settings
In this episode, Andy Quiñones-Rivera, MD, MPH, an ER resident physician with LA county is joined by Loel Solomon, MPP, PhD, a Professor of Health Systems Science at the Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine and former Vice President for Community Health at Kaiser Permanente.
Prevalence of Social Screening in Healthcare Settings
SIREN Senior Research Associate Yuri Cartier, MPH, sits down with Kalpana Ramiah, DrPH, MSc, CPH, Vice President of Vice President of Innovation at America’s Essential Hospitals and Director of the Essential Hospitals to discuss SIREN’s recent review of surveys measuring the prevalence of social
SIREN Coffee & Science Wrap Party
On December 3rd, 2021, SIREN organized a special closing event (insert tears) for the 2021 Coffee & Science series.