May 2023 Research Round-Up
Below are most of the articles published since the last newsletter. For a full list, see the SIREN Evidence and Resource Library.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Awareness/identifying social risk
The ‘What’ and ‘How’ of Screening for Social Needs in Healthcare Settings: A Scoping Review Karran EL, G Cashin A, Barker T, et al. | PeerJ
Screening Health-Related Social Needs in Hospitals: A Systematic Review of Health Care Professional and Patient Perspectives Trochez RJ, Sharma S, Stolldorf DP, et al. | Population Health Management
Food Insecurity Screening Procedures Used in Reproductive Healthcare Seatings Zinga J, van der Pligt P, Lindberg R, Vasilevski V, Lee A, McKay F | Nutrition Reviews
Examining the Implementation of Health-Related Social Need (HRSN) Screenings at a Pediatric Community Health Center Gray TW, Podewils LJ, Rasulo RM, Weiss RP, Tomcho MM | Journal of Primary Care & Community Health
Social Risks, Social Needs, and Attitudes Toward Social Health Screening 1 Year Into the COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey of Adults in an Integrated Health Care Delivery System Gordon NP, Shanks CB, Grant RW | Permanente Journal
Identifying Health-Related Social and Unintentional Injury Risks Among Patients Presenting to a Pediatric Urgent Care Lendrum EC, Peterson KR, Gittelman MA, et al. | Academic Pediatrics
Addressing Health-Related Social Needs Through Systematic Screening and Integration of a Social Care Technology Platform McPeek Hinz ER, Avery C, Johnson S, Drake C, Spratt SE | NEJM Catalyst
Documenting social risk
Natural Language Processing-Driven State Machines to Extract Social Factors from Unstructured Clinical Documentation Allen KS, Hood DR, Cummins J, Kasturi S, Mendonca EA, Vest JR | JAMIA Open
Assessment of Use of ICD-9 and ICD-10 Codes for Social Determinants of Health in the US, 2011-2021 Agarwal AR, Prichett L, Jain A, Srikumaran U | JAMA Network Open
How Do Family Physicians Document Patients’ Social Needs in Electronic Health Records? Hendrix N, Phillips RL, Bazemore AW | Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine
Barriers and Facilitators to Nurses Addressing Social Needs and Associated Outcomes in the Ambulatory Setting in Adult Patients: Systematic Review Jackson CL, Hood E, Jenkins JA, Szanton SL | Journal of Advanced Nursing
Healthcare-based Interventions to Address Food Insecurity During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review Merchant T, Soyemi E, Roytman MV, et al. | American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM
Provision of Social Care Services by US Hospitals Iott B, Anthony D | Milbank Quarterly
Understanding the Relationship Between Social Risk Factors and COVID-19 Contacts Mahmud A, Cushing-Haugen K, Wellman R, Brown MC, Lewis CC | Permanente Journal
Differential Impact of a Plan-Led Standardized Complex Care Management Intervention on Subgroups of High-Cost High-Need Medicaid Patients Quinton JK, Jackson N, Mangione CM,et al. | Population Health Management
Social Needs Assessment and Linkage to Community Health Workers in a Large Urban Hospital System Shi M, Fiori K, Kim RS, et al. | Journal of Primary Care & Community Health
A Health System-Initiated Intervention to Remediate Homes of Children with Asthma Strane D, Flaherty C, Kellom K, Kenyon CC, Bryant-Stephens T | Pediatrics
Issue Briefs & Reports
How Pediatric Care Providers Are Identifying and Addressing the Impacts of Racism on Children Hostetter H, Klein S | Commonwealth Fund
Findings from Highlighting and Assessing Referral Platform Participation (HARP): Final Report Cartier Y, Burnett J, Fichtenberg C, Ricks Stephens C, Paulson G. | Trenton Health Team
Equity in CalAIM: How to Identify Patients Who Will Benefit Most Davis R, Kelly L, Hamblin A | Center for Health Care Strategies
Commentaries & Blogs
Opportunities to Promote Food and Nutrition Security as the Federal Public Health Emergency Ends Bleich SN, Fiechtner L, Kenney EL | JAMA Health Forum
Medicaid Reinvestment Requirements Can Improve Community Health and Equity Cantor J, Powers PE, Sharma A. |Health Affairs Forefront
The Workforce Needed to Address Population Health Frogner BK, Patterson DG, Skillman SM | Milbank Quarterly
Medicaid Section 1115 Waivers: From Work Requirements to Social Determinants of Health Philips AP, Adashi EY, Musumeci M | Health Affairs Forefront
Advancing Social Risk-informed Care for People Experiencing Homelessness Velasquez DE, Sandhu S, Koh KA, Ganguli I | Journal of Hospital Medicine