October 2019 Research Round-Up
See below for publications recently added to the SIREN Evidence & Resource Library.
As always, if you are aware of resources you think should be added to the Library please send them our way.
Research Articles
A Pilot Food Prescription Program Promotes Produce Intake and Decreases Food Insecurity
J.N. Aiyer, M. Raber, R.S. Bello, et al.
Translational Behavioral Medicine
This study found a 94% decrease in food insecurity among participants in a 6-month pilot food prescription and nutrition education program.
The Feasibility of Screening for Social Determinants of Health: Seven Lessons Learned
H. Bleacher, C. Lyon, L. Mims, K. Cebuhar, & A. Begum
Fam Practice Management
This article describes lessons learned from the development of a social needs screening and referral pilot project in a primary care clinic that increased clinicians ability to screen.
Patient Navigation: Addressing Social Challenges in Dialysis Patients
L. Cervantes, R. Hasnain-Wynia, J.F. Steiner, M. Chonchol, & S. Fischer
American Journal of Kidney Diseases
This article provides a history of patient navigation programs in kidney disease care and explores their potential to improve patient-centered and clinical outcomes including through providing insights and reducing barriers to social challenges.
Child Poverty, Toxic Stress, and Social Determinants of Health: Screening and Care Coordination
L. Francis, K. DePriest, M. Wilson, & D. Gross
The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing
This article highlights the role that nurses can play in addressing social needs among children through screening and effective coordination.
The Hunger Vital Sign Identifies Household Food Insecurity among Children in Emergency Departments and Primary Care
R.K. Gattu, G. Paik, Y. Wang, P. Ray, R. Lichenstein, & M.M. Black
This study found high sensitivity and specificity (96.7% and 86.2% respectively) for the 2-item Hunger Vital Sign compared to the 18-item Household Food Security Survey Module among children in emergency departments and primary care.
The Homeless Hospital Liaison Program: An Interprofessional Program to Improve Students' Skills at Facilitating Transitions of Care for Patients Experiencing Homelessness
F. Gill, M. Appley, L. Nix, et al.
Academic Medicine
This article describes a discharge planning support program for individuals experiencing homelessness staffed by medical school and graduate-level social work students.
Community Health Workers as an Extension of Care Coordination in Primary Care: A Community-Based Cosupervisory Model
J.M. Gunderson, M.L. Wieland, O. Quirindongo-Cedeno, et al.
The Journal of Ambulatory Care Management
This study describes the collaborative development of a community-based CHW program to address the social determinants of health that has been effective in decreasing health care utilization and cost.
The Role of the Physician When a Patient Discloses Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: A Literature Review
B. Penti, J. Timmons, & D. Adams
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine
This literature review summarizes recommendations on how physicians should respond when a male patient discloses IPV perpetration.
A Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Two Patient-Centered Interventions for Women with Unmet Social Needs: Personalized Support for Progress and Enhanced Screening and Referral
E. Poleshuck, M. Wittink, H.F. Crean, et al.
Journal of Women’s Health
This randomized comparative effectiveness trial of two interventions for women with unmet social needs and depression found that both a community health worker (CHW) intervention tailored to women's priorities and social context and a lower intensity intervention providing a personalized resource list and modest social support were acceptable to patients and improved depression.The CHW intervention seemed to be more effective for some women, including those who reported intimate partner violence.
Universal Screening for Social Determinants of Health in Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease: A Quality-Improvement Initiative
Power-Hays, S. Li, A. Mensah, & A. Sobota
Pediatric Blood & Cancer
This article describes a prospective, quality-improvement implementation study of a social needs screening and referral strategy in a pediatric hematology clinic. Nearly half (45%) of referred patients contacted via follow-up call reported reaching out to resources within 2 weeks.
Intimate Partner Violence: Identification and Response in Pediatric Health Care Settings
K.A. Randell & M.I. Ragavan
Clinical Pediatrics
This article discusses approaches to screening and addressing intimate partner violence in pediatric health care settings.
Time Contribution of Social Workers in Care Management: Value for Older Adults
J.M. Rowe, V.M. Rizzo, S.Y. Kang, et al.
Professional Case Management
This quasi-experimental study of a social worker-delivered care management protocol designed to address patients’ nonmedical needs found that social workers spent significantly more time than usual care providers addressing patients’ nonmedical needs. Reduced levels of depression were observed in care management patents compared to those in usual care at 6-months post intervention.
“The Coupons and Stuff Just Made it Possible": Economic Constraints and Patient Experiences of a Produce Prescription Program
A.V. Schlosser, K. Joshi, S. Smith, A. Thornton, S.D. Bolen, E.S. Trapl
Translational Behavioral Medicine
This qualitative study examined how economic constraints influence participation in produce prescription program for patients with hypertension.
Reports & Commentaries
Moving Toward Value: Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans and the Social Determinants of Health
N. Giron, T. Kirui, R. Tobey, & J. Cantor
JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.
This report summarizes the key findings from an evaluation of Medicaid managed care plans’ social determinants-focused investments in California, including the factors that drive these types of investments, their funding sources, and the challenges associated with making them. The report also summarizes plan- and state-level policy, practice, and funding opportunities that would support SDH-related activities.
Legal Partnering for Child and Family Health: An Opportunity and Call to Action for Early Childhood Systems
S.J. Morton
Center for the Study of Social Policy
This brief focuses on the role legal interventions can play in accelerating access to concrete supports (e.g., food, housing) in times of need for families with young children.
Health Equity and the Tripartite Mission: Moving From Academic Health Centers to Academic-Community Health Systems
B. Park, B. Frank, S. Likumahuwa-Ackman, et al.
Academic Medicine
This perspective piece proposes four strategies Academic Health Centers can use to start developing academic-community partnerships that advance health equity through collaboration, power sharing, and cocreation. Also view the accompanying commentary.
Are Medicare Advantage Plans Using New Supplemental Benefit Flexibility to Address Enrollees’ Health-Related Social Needs?
L. Skopec, C. Ramos, & J. Aarons
Urban Institute
This brief describes interviews with 10 Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Advantage experts, and social service providers to discuss responses to increased flexibility from CMS to cover benefits that help address enrollees’ health-related social or long-term care needs, as well as policy changes that may be needed to encourage wider adoption of these optional benefits.
Addressing the Social Needs of Older Adults: A Practical Guide to Implementing a Screening and Referral Program in Clinical Settings
J.K. Engelberg Anderson, A.M. Morris, C. Hassoldt, B. Schmitthenner, &
L. Gibbs
West Health Institute
This guide details how to implement a social needs screening and referral program for older patients into clinical practice.