September 2021 Research Round-Up
In this month’s Research Round-up, we’ve highlighted pieces our team found of particular interest. As always, all the articles in the round-up (and more!) can be found in the SIREN Evidence and Resource Library.
SIREN highlights
Two new reviews of social risk interventions:
- New PCORI Scoping Review and Evidence Visualization
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has released a visualization of a new scoping review of social needs interventions literature. The visualization allows readers to explore various characteristics of the 139 studies they identified (through March 2021). See the evidence visualizationand accompanying report.
- New USPSTF Evidence Review and Assessment of Existing Recommendations
A USPSTF-commissioned review of social interventions research summarizes key characteristics of 106 studies identified that addressed at least 1 of 7 social risks (through May 2021). This accompanies an article identifying how social risks are included in existing USPSTF recommendations:
– Screening and Interventions for Social Risk Factors: Technical Brief to Support the US Preventive Services Task Force
M. Eder, M. Henninger, S. Durbin, et al. | JAMA
– Incorporation of Social Risk in US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations and Identification of Key Challenges for Primary Care
K.W. Davidson, A.H. Krist, C. Tseng, et al. | JAMA
Below are some additional research and resources added to the SIREN Evidence and Resource Library since our last newsletter:
Peer-reviewed articles
Awareness/Social Risk Screening
Provider Perspectives on Screening for Social Determinants of Health in Pediatric Settings: A Qualitative Study
R.L. Sokol, J. Ammer, S.F. Stein, P. Trout, L. Mohammed, & A.L. Mille | Journal of Pediatric Health Care
From Planning to Implementation: Creating and Adapting Universal Screening Protocols to Address Caregiver Mental Health and Psychosocial Complexity
M. Buchholz, B. Ashby, L. Costello, et al. | Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology
Trends in Food Insecurity Rates at an Academic Primary Care Clinic: A Retrospective Cohort Study
K. Montez, C.L. Brown, A. Garg, et al. | BMC Pediatrics
Implementation of Social Needs Screening in Primary Care: A Qualitative Study Using the Health Equity Implementation Framework
C. Drake, H. Batchelder, T. Lian, et al. | BMC Health Services Research
Implementing Social Determinant of Health Screening in a Family Medicine Clinic: A Pilot Study
K. Isaacs | American Journal of Medical Quality
Food Insecurity Among Health Care Workers in the US
M. Srinivasan, X. Cen, B. Farrar, J.A. Pooler, & T. Fish | Health Affairs
SIREN Team Note: This article is noteworthy for turning the spotlight inwards to examine food insecurity among health care workers.
An Intensive Intervention to Reduce Readmissions for Frequently Hospitalized Patients: The CHAMP Randomized Controlled Trial
B.L. Henschen, M.E. Theodorou, M. Chapman, et al | Journal of General Internal Medicine
SIREN Team Note: This is an additional RCT that found no benefit from a multi-disciplinary comprehensive care transition program that addressed both medical and social needs.
Baby's First Years: Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Poverty Reduction in the United States
K.G. Noble, K. Magnuson, L.A. Gennetian, et al. | Pediatrics
SIREN Team Note: This article and the one below (Tummala et al.) highlight the innovative interventions to address financial strain and educational opportunity in neonatal and pediatric settings.
Embedding 529 College Savings Accounts in Pediatric Care: A Pilot Innovation
S. Tummala, W. Zhong, & L. Marcil | Academic Pediatrics
Food Security and Clinical Outcomes of the 2017 Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program
M. Cook, R. Ward, T. Newman, et al. | Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
Strategies and Challenges: Qualitative Lessons Learned from Georgia Produce Prescription Programs
T. Newman & J.S. Lee | Health Promotion Practice
How an Interdisciplinary Care Team Reduces Prolonged Admissions Among Older Patients with Complex Needs
K. Lam, E.L. Price, M. Garg, et al. | NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery
Population Health Innovations and Payment to Address Social Needs Among Patients and Communities With Diabetes
K.E. Gunter, M.E. Peek, J.P. Tanumihardjo, et al. | Milbank Quarterly
The Role of Pediatric Networks in Managing Social Health Needs
V. Gunn & S. Brixey | Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care
Issue Briefs
How a Medical Respite Care Program Offers a Pathway to Health and Housing for People Experiencing Homelessness
D. McCarthy & L. Waugh | The Commonwealth Fund
Commentaries & Blogs
Medical Respite Care Bridges Critical Gap for Californians Without Housing
P. Nagappan | California Health Care Foundation
Environmental Racism and Climate Change - Missed Diagnoses
R.N. Salas | New England Journal of Medicine
Medicaid and Health-Related Social Needs: Four Insights over Four Years
D. Crumley | Center for Health Care Strategies
What is the Return on Investment of Caring for Complex High-need, High-cost Patients?
E.T. Chang, S.M Asch, J. Eng, F. Gutierrez, A. Denietolis, & D. Atkins | Journal of General Internal Medicine