Advancing resilience and community health
The Advancing Resilience and Community Health (ARCH) initiative was designed to help networks of nonprofit community-based organizations (CBOs) develop new contracts, payment models, and partnership approaches with healthcare payors to achieve better health outcomes across the United States. Through ARCH, NFF partnered with three networks – EngageWell IPA (New York), Metropolitan Alliance of Connected Communities (Minnesota), and Thomas Jefferson Area Coalition for the Homeless (Virginia) – to explore what it takes for CBO networks to come together around a shared vision for partnering with healthcare. This capstone report highlights themes and lessons learned that we hope will inform new approaches to advancing community health, including:
- Contracts have more disadvantages than benefits
- Networks redefined success by prioritizing communities over contracts
- Addressing health equity means centering racial equity
- It’s time to invest in community-led solutions
Advancing resilience and community health. Nonprofit Finance Fund; 2021. Available online.