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Anti-racism data equity framework: Designing equitable and inclusive research processes

Harrell T, Morrison A, Suarez R
Presentations from 2022 SIREN National Research Meeting: Racial Health Equity in Social Care

Anti-racism data equity framework: Designing equitable and inclusive research processes [PDF]

Speakers: Tanissha Harrell (211/CIE San Diego), Artrese Morrison (Health Leads), Rox Suarez (211/CIE San Diego)


This interactive session was co-facilitated by three speakers who offered an energetic and collaborative conversation to share an overview of the data equity framework. Each speaker introduced themselves using "I AM" affirmations and invited participants to do the same in the chat. The interactive format allowed for questions from participants and created a shared learning experience. The session began with framing the conversation and an invitation to participants in a grounding exercise to set intentions and aspiration for our time together. Using human- centered design methods and tools such as Miro to capture our collective discussion and include opportunity for collective communication our speakers facilitated and guided participants through an engaging process that helped participants to reflect on personal biases as participants engage in this work. Each participant that attends if they desired received a copy of the Miro board(s) created from this experience to continue the conversation and share.

Learning Objectives

  1. Present the landscape of data system design types, including those that center anti-racist practices.
  2. Discuss the challenges of developing, establishing, and maintaining anti-racist data design practices.
  3. Review and discuss strategic visioning to reflect on individual and institutional practices that do harm and transform them into anti-racists solution.
  4. Reflect on your personal biases as you engage in this work.
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