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Assessing and Improving Patients’ Experiences During Phone-Based Social Needs Screening & Referral Interventions

Steeves-Reece A, Frangie M, Gómez-Arboleda K, and Kang M

Anna Steeves-Reece, PhD presented on two related manuscripts from her research on the Accountable Health Communities (AHC) Model in Oregon. The first project was a cross-sectional study on screening mode (in-person vs. remote) as an effect modifier regarding patients’ willingness to accept social needs navigation. The second project was a qualitative study on fostering positive patient experiences during phone-based social needs interventions. Dr Steeves-Reece was joined by Melissa Frangie, Katherin Gómez-Arboleda, and Minnie Kang, three screeners on the AHC demonstration who also served a qualitative analysts. The speakers shared key takeaways for practice and responded to questions from the audience.

Anna Steeves-Reece, PhD, MPH, MA is a qualitative and mixed methods health researcher with a background in public health, medical anthropology, and Latin American studies. Her work broadly focuses on health equity, patient-centered care, and community-engaged research.

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Steeves-Reece A, Frangie M, Gómez-Arboleda K, and Kang M. Assessing and Improving Patients’ Experiences During Phone-Based Social Needs Screening & Referral Interventions. June 22, 2023. Virtual [webinar]. Available online.

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