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Assessing the impact of complex care models: Opportunities to fill in the gaps

K. Silverman, T. Dumanovsky
Center for Health Care Strategies

As the field of complex care evolves to employ more integrated, person-centered care approaches, organizations implementing complex care programs need tools to assess the precise factors that differentiate successful strategies from less successful ones. High-quality complex care models seek to support equity and well-being for patients, provide care that is responsive to what patients and families want, and prioritize staff and provider well-being. Identifying a more robust set of measures can help highlight how care is being transformed, including the specific methods for improving care delivery and their impact on the health and well-being of patients and staff.

Silverman K, Dumanovsky T. Assessing the impact of complex care models: Opportunities to fill in the gaps. Center for Health Care Strategies. May 2021. Available online.

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