Association of 2 social needs interventions with child emergency department use and hospitalizations: a secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial
JAMA Pediatrics
A large body of evidence demonstrates that social risk factors are associated with various adverse pediatric health outcomes. However, evidence linking social needs interventions to health and health care outcomes is still sparse. Seeking to fill this evidence gap, we examined the association of 2 social needs interventions, a tailored social resources handout (SRH) alone vs SRH plus support from a patient navigator (PN), with child emergency department (ED) use and hospitalizations.
Pantell MS, Hessler D, Wing H, Herrera P, Velazquez DE, Adler NE, Gottlieb LM. Association of 2 social needs interventions with child emergency department use and hospitalizations: a secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial JAMA Pediatrics. 2022;. DOI:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.0503. PMID: 35404396