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Building a Medicaid strategy to address health-related social needs: Environmental scan

Center for Health Care Strategies

The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS), with support from the Episcopal Health Foundation (EHF), conducted an environmental scan to analyze best practices and state activities on health-related social needs (HRSN)-specific interventions; HRSN quality measures and screening tools; value-based payment arrangements involving HRSN; and Medicaid managed care contracting requirements and incentives related to HRSN. This scan highlights the available evidence on specific approaches, particularly in the Medicaid managed care context, as well as relevant resources and tools related to addressing HRSN. A companion tool, Building a Medicaid Strategy to Address HealthRelated Social Needs, synthesizes the findings from these analyses and offers considerations for states that are developing a comprehensive strategy to address HRSN.

Building a Medicaid Strategy to Address Health-Related Social Needs: Environmental Scan. Center for Health Care Strategies; April 2021. Available online.

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Issue Briefs & Reports
Health & Health Behaviors
Patient Experience of Care
Social Needs/ SDH
Social Determinant of Health
Housing Stability
Study design