Delivering social care in the virtual frontier
This episode features a conversation between Tamara J. Cadet, PhD, LICSW, MPH, an Associate Professor at the Simmons School of Social Work and faculty at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine in Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology, and Bonnie Ewald, MA, the Associate Director of the Center for Health and Social Care Integration and Program Manager of Strategic Development and Policy for Rush University Medical Center’s Social Work and Community Health Department. This session is the sixth and final talk focused on health care sector efforts to provide patients with social service Assistance. In this conversation, Tammy and Bonnie dive into tele-social care practices, including ways these practices were affected by the COVID pandemic. Surfacing the perspectives of both patients and providers, they also explore the benefits and barriers to delivering social care by phone and video.
Recommended references:
- CHaSCI and the National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs. Tele-Social Care: Implications and Strategies. Feb 2021.
- CHaSCI and the National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs. Best practices and strategies for tele-social care (webinar recording).
- De Saxe Zerden L, Cadet TJ, Galambos C, Jones B. Social Work’s Commitment and Leadership to Address Social Determinants of Health and Integrate Social Care into Health Care. JHHSA. 2020.
- Kraus MW. Voice-Only Communication Enhances Empathic Accuracy. American Psychologist. 2017.
- DeGuzman PB, Jain N, Loureiro CG. Public Libraries as Partners in Telemedicine Delivery: A Review and Research Agenda. Public Library Quarterly. 2021.
Cadet T, Ewald B. Delivering social care in the virtual frontier. SIREN Coffee and Science. June 28, 2021. Available online.