Diaper need? You can bank on it
Acad Pediatr
DIAPER NEED IS the lack of sufficient diapers to keep a child clean, dry, and healthy. It is a newly recognized social and financial burden for 1 in 3 families in the United States. Despite this statistic, diaper costs are not addressed by federal antipoverty programs. For families with limited funds, the average cost of $80 per child per month forces parents to decide between diapering their child and other basic needs. When faced with diaper need, difficult choices carry medical, emotional, and financial consequences: missed daycare, missed parental school or work, poor maternal coping and increased mental health needs, not filling prescriptions or attending doctor visits, delaying diaper changes, re-using disposable diapers and buying less food for their families.
Berry WS, Blatt SD. Diaper need? You can bank on it. Acad Pediatr. 2021 Jan-Feb;21(1):188-189. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2020.09.002. PMID: 32896645.