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The double pandemic of social isolation and COVID-19: Cross-sector policy must address both

J. Holt-Lundstad
Heal Aff Blog

The struggle to balance literal survival with all the things that make surviving worthwhile has never been so clear, with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many to sacrifice social connections – and therefore quality of life – for life itself. And yet, as I wrote in a recent Health Affairs policy brief, Social Isolation and Health (released June 22, 2020), being socially connected in meaningful ways is actually key to human health and survival.

Holt-Lunstad J. The double pandemic of social isolation and COVID-19: Cross-sector policy must address both. Heal Aff Blog. 2020. doi:10.1377/hblog20200609.53823

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Peer Reviewed Research
Social Determinant of Health
Social Support/Social Isolation
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Other Study Design