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A dynamic, multilevel process evaluation of a produce prescription program at a Federally Qualified Health Center: 2017-2021 description, implementation, and infrastructure

Ylitalo KR, Cox W, Janda-Thomte KM, Walter K, Gill J, Hess B
Transl Behav Med
The "Food as Medicine" (FAM) movement encourages public health and medical professionals to recognize the importance of dietary patterns and food access. The purpose of this work was to describe patient and physician engagement with a produce prescription (PRx) program to improve access to fresh vegetables in a healthcare setting. A Federally Qualified Health Center, regenerative farm, and academic institution partnered for the PRx program (2017-21). During harvest seasons, patients redeemed "prescriptions" for initial and "refill" produce boxes. Baseline food insecurity surveys were embedded in electronic medical records. Refill surveys assessed satisfaction and confidence. Electronic surveys to prescribing physicians assessed program knowledge, expectations, and motivations. Across 8 biannual harvests generating 9986 produce boxes, 8046 patients received prescriptions, 6227 redeemed prescriptions for ≥1 box, and 720 redeemed for ≥2 boxes. Seasonally, initial redemption rates ranged from 64.5% to 82.7%; refill rates ranged from 6.8% to 16.7%. Among participants, 70.8% sometimes/often worried food would run out and 66.7% sometimes/often ran out of food. Among those with refills, there was high satisfaction with food quality (95.8%) and variety (97.2%), and 94.2% were confident preparing meals from produce. Among physicians (n = 22), 100% self-reported adequate knowledge about PRx for patient recommendations, and 100% believed PRx had benefit for patients. Chronic conditions (77%), low socioeconomic status (64%), and food insecurity (59%) were common motivating factors for prescriptions. We demonstrated the feasibility of implementing a cross-sector, seasonal PRx program within a multisite healthcare system. More research is needed to refine implementation toward greater patient refill rates. Food is an important aspect of health, and people with limited access to food face more barriers to health. Healthcare settings are places where patients can get encouragement about nutrition goals and obtain food. In this study, patients at a large healthcare center received “prescriptions” for boxes of fresh vegetables, which were stored on-site and given to patients free of charge. Patients and doctors were asked to complete surveys to give their feedback on the program. The program lasted for 5 years, and during that time nearly 10 000 produce prescription boxes were given to over 6000 patients. Many of these patients did not have consistent access to food before this program. Overall, patients who received more than two boxes of fresh vegetables were satisfied with the vegetables they received, and doctors who completed the program survey believed that this program was important for patients. Food programs in healthcare settings may help patients access food, but more work is needed to refine the program. eng

Ylitalo KR, Cox W, Janda-Thomte KM, Walter K, Gill J, Hess B. A dynamic, multilevel process evaluation of a produce prescription program at a federally qualified health center: 2017-2021 description, implementation, and infrastructure. Transl Behav Med. 2024. Epub ahead of print. DOI:10.1093/tbm/ibae015. PMID: 38642402

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Peer Reviewed Research
Social Needs/ SDH
Health & Health Behaviors
Patient Experience of Care
Provider Experience of Care
Social Determinant of Health
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Other Study Design