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Economic determinants of health disparities and the role of the primary care provider

Juarez PD
Prim Care

The economic determinants of adverse personal health outcomes and population level disparities pose a daunting challenge for primary care providers in promoting health for persons experiencing poverty and neighborhood deprivation. Until they are addressed, however, the health and economic well-being of persons experiencing neighborhood deprivation is not likely to be improved. There is growing evidence of effective interventions that primary care providers can adopt to address social and economic determinants of health. Primary care providers can participate in clinic and community-based approaches that target individual, neighborhood and social level drives of health and disparities.

Juarez PD. Economic determinants of health disparities and the role of the primary care provider. Prim Care. 2023;50(4):561-577. DOI:10.1016/j.pop.2023.05.002. PMID: 37866831

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Commentaries & Blogs
Social Determinant of Health
Economic Security
Housing Stability