Engaging stakeholder advisors around health-related social needs research, policy, and practice priorities
Popul Health Manag
As health care systems invest significant resources to address social needs associated with poor health such as food, financial, and housing insecurity, many eligible patients are still not obtaining the resources they need. The recently initiated PURPLE Project (Promoting Understanding in Social Needs Research Projects by Listening and Engaging) engages stakeholder advisors to help address 2 challenges: (1) many patients do not accept offered assistance, and (2) of patients who accept assistance, less than half have their needs addressed. This article presents the team's engagement with local advisors, garnering real-life insights from patients with social needs, staff and leadership in public health, health care, and community service organizations. The team shares these organizations' priorities and recommendations and how these can be applied to these major challenges. This article can assist others in the social care arena who seeks to involve local partners as advisors to improve practices and policies in addressing social needs.
Moen M, Doede M, Schweitzer A. Engaging stakeholder advisors around health-related social needs research, policy, and practice priorities. Popul Health Manag. 2023;10.1089/pop.2023.0177. Epub ahead of print. DOI:10.1089/pop.2023.0177. PMID: 37738396