Health care for children in immigrant families: key considerations and addressing barriers
Pediatr Clin North Am
One in four US children is a child in an immigrant family. Children in immigrant families (CIF) have distinct health and health care needs that vary by documentation status, countries of origin, and health care and community experience caring for immigrant populations. Health insurance access and language services are fundamental to providing health care to CIF. Promoting health equity for CIF requires a comprehensive approach to both the health and social determinants of health needs of CIF. Child health providers can promote health equity for this population through tailored primary care services and partnerships with immigrant-serving community organizations.
Martin KJ, Polk S, Young J, DeCamp LR. Health care for children in immigrant families: key considerations and addressing barriers. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2023;70(4):791-811. DOI:10.1016/j.pcl.2023.03.011. PMID: 37422315