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The impact of screening for social risks on OBGYN patients and providers: A systematic review of current evidence and key gaps

Stanhope KK, Goebel A, Simmonds M, Timi P, Das S, Immanuelle A, Jamieson DJ, Boulet SL
J Natl Med Assoc

Background: Increasingly, policymakers and professional organizations support screening for social assets and risks during clinical care. Scant evidence exists on how screening impacts patients, providers, or health systems. Objective: To systematically review published literature for evidence of the clinical utility of screening for social determinants of health in clinical obstetric and gynecologic (OBGYN) care. Search Strategy: We systematically searched Pubmed (March 2022, 5,302 identified) and identified additional articles using hand sorting (searching articles citing key articles (273 identified) and through bibliography review (20 identified)). Selection Criteria: We included all articles that measured a quantitative outcome of systematic social determinants of health (SDOH) screening in an OBGYN clinical setting. Each identified citation was reviewed by two independent reviewers at both the title/abstract and full text stages. Data Collection and Analysis: We identified 19 articles for inclusion and present the results using narrative synthesis. Main Results: The majority of articles reported on SDOH screening during prenatal care (16/19) and the most common SDOH was intimate partner violence (13/19 studies). Overall, patients had favorable attitudes towards SDOH screening (in 8/9 articles measuring attitudes), and referrals were common following positive screening (range 5.3%-63.6%). Only two articles presented data on the effects of SDOH screening on clinicians and none on health systems. Three articles present data on resolution of social needs, with inconsistent results. Conclusions: Limited evidence exists on the benefits of SDOH screening in OBGYN clinical settings. Innovative studies leveraging existing data collection are needed to expand and improve SDOH screening.

Stanhope KK, Goebel A, Simmonds M, et al. The impact of screening for social risks on OBGYN patients and providers: A systematic review of current evidence and key gaps. J Natl Med Assoc. 2023;S0027-9684(23)00068-8. Epub ahead of print. DOI:10.1016/j.jnma.2023.06.002. PMID: 37330393

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Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Social Needs/ SDH
Health & Health Behaviors
Provider Experience of Care
Pregnant/New Mothers
Screening research
Social Determinant of Health
Economic Security
Housing Stability
Social Support/Social Isolation
Study design