Inventing social emergency medicine: Summary of common and critical research themes using a modified haddon matrix
Ann Emerg Med
In this article, we synthesize the written materials and main discussion points from the Inventing Social Emergency Medicine conference into a theoretic model for the application of social emergency medicine research. We modified the Haddon matrix framework for our theoretic model such that we present social emergency medicine by appending the classic 2-dimensional matrix with a new third dimension to discuss key research themes and controversies that arose from discussions at the conference and through their accompanying articles.
This article is part of a special supplement: Inventing Social Emergency Medicine: A Consensus Conference to Establish the Intellectual Underpinnings of Social Emergency Medicine.
Anderson E, Bernstein E, Xuan Z, Alter HJ. IInventing social emergency medicine: Summary of common and critical research themes using a modified haddon matrix. Ann Emerg Med. 2019;74(5):S74-S77. DOI: