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Leveraging Community Information Exchanges for equitable and inclusive data: The CIE data equity framework

R. Boyd, K. Grounds, B. Johnson, R. Suarez, T. Harrell, A. Rogers, A. Morrison
211/ CIE San Diego

The CIE Data Equity Framework was developed to help identify challenges and promote opportunities to build data systems that are not structurally racist, using CIEs as examples. Through encouraging dialogue on the design of data sharing systems that drive change and center the most impacted populations, we intend for the CIE Data Equity Framework to guide institutions away from reinforcing systems that perpetuate harmful practices and towards building anti-racist systems that empower communities.


To view the framework and other accompanying materials click here

Boyd R, Grounds K, Johnson B, Suarez R, Harrell T, Rogers A, Morrison A. Leveraging Community Information Exchanges for equitable and inclusive data: The CIE data equity framework. 211/CIE San Diego. 2021. Available online.

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