Measuring complexity: Moving toward standardized quality measures for the field of complex care
National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Introduction: In 2018, the Blueprint for Complex Care released by the National Center, the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS),and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) outlined the emerging field of complex care.The Blueprint identified measurement as a primary area in need of attention and standardization. In response, this report sought to identify what work currently exists or is needed to establish a set of potential quality measures for the field. Measurement is critical to allow groups to track how well they improve patient outcomes and make sure that we are able to determine the effectiveness of complex care programs across the United States. To that end, IHI completed a search of the literature, interviews with subject matter experts, and a scan of existing quality measurement efforts to identify quality measures currently in use, work still needed to develop or clarify measures, and potential partners in this work.Our research led to findings across four areas: 1) defining the population, 2) data availability and potential sources, 3) measure domains, and 4) measures and measure concepts. For each area, the report outlines a set of recommendations for future work.
Bossley H, Imbeach, K. Measuring complexity: Moving toward standardized quality measures for the field of complex care. May 21, 2020; Available online.