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Minding the access gap: Addressing both the digital and transportation divides to improve outcomes

G. Maliha, M. Adelberg, K.H. Chaiyachati
Health Affairs Blog

Prompted by concerns that some in-person care was too dangerous during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the US health care sector accelerated telehealth’s expansion. While telehealth has improved access to many outpatient services, marginalized patients—rural, poor, older, and minority patients—may not have benefitted equally from telehealth’s expansion. This stems, in part, from the “digital divide”—differential access to personal technology or broadband connectivity that results from historic disparities in economic means or educational attainment.

Maliha G, Adelberg M, Chaiyachati KH. Minding the access gap: Addressing both the digital and transportation divides to improve outcomes. Health Affairs Blog. November 12, 2021. DOI: 10.1377/hblog20211105.682777

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