Multisector Partnerships and Service Colocation to Increase Adoption of Influenza Vaccines and Address Food Insecurity
Popul Health Manag
The development and delivery of safe and effective vaccines to mitigate public health threats from deadly infectious diseases has been one of the most consequential advances in biomedical science. Seasonal influenza viruses are detected year round in the United States and are the cause of respiratory illnesses that increase to epidemic levels almost every winter. Influenza infections can be hazardous for people 65 years and older because of their elevated risk for developing serious flu-related complications. Estimates from national level data (2018–2019) indicate that *7 out of 10 adults, age 65 years and older, received an influenza vaccine.
Beech BM, Dobbins J, Woodard L, Liaw W, Bruca MA. Multisector Partnerships and Service Colocation to Increase Adoption of Influenza Vaccines and Address Food Insecurity. Popul Health Manag. 2021 Dec 8. PMID: 34882018.