Promoting cross-sector collaborations to address intimate partner violence in health care delivery systems using a quality assessment tool
J Womens Healthu
Background: As part of a Domestic Violence and Health care Partnership (DVHCP) project in California, 19 leadership teams consisting of representatives from domestic violence agencies and health care delivery systems in California came together to improve care related to intimate partner violence (IPV). We evaluated the impact of a Quality Assessment/Quality Improvement (QA/QI) tool on health care delivery systems' ability to collaborate with victim service agencies to address IPV. Methods: Each leadership team completed the QA/QI tool every 6 months between 2014 and 2017. Fifteen clinics that completed the tool at least twice are included in this analysis. Results: The largest changes noted in the QA/QI tool were having written protocols for assessing for IPV, providers distributing educational safety cards about IPV to patients, scripts for providers on how to assess and support survivors of IPV, trainings led by IPV agency advocates, and support for staff to discuss difficult cases. Conclusions: Implementation of a QA/QI tool can guide health care delivery systems to make changes in provider practices and clinic protocols to improve care and support for survivors of IPV. Such clinic-level changes may support providers to more readily or consistently integrate addressing IPV in clinical encounters while facilitating and promoting cross-sector collaborations with victim service advocacy and related social service agencies.
Miller-Walfish S, Kwon J, Raible C, et al. Promoting cross-sector collaborations to address intimate partner violence in health care delivery systems using a quality assessment tool. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2021 Mar 4. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2020.8438. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33666518.