Provision of utility shut-off protection letters at an urban safety-net hospital, 2009-2018
J Ambul Care Manage
Most states prohibit utility companies from terminating service to low-income households when occupants present a medical letter confirming a household member has a chronic serious illness. It is unclear how many patients receive these letters and whether screening for health-related social needs (HRSN) identifies these patients. We analyzed characteristics of adult patients at a safety-net hospital with a utility shut-off protection letter 2009-2018. A total of 2973 patients received a letter; most were non-Hispanic black, and had government insurance. Among patients who received a letter in 2018, 70% were screened for HRSN. Among these, only 16% screened positive for difficulty paying utility bills.
Giraldo P, Hsu HE, Ashe EM, et al. Provision of utility shut-off protection letters at an urban safety-net hospital, 2009-2018. J Ambul Care Manage. 2020;43(2):179-182.PMID: 32073502. DOI: 10.1097/JAC.0000000000000328.