Should we screen for poverty in primary care?
Br J Gen Pract
This pandemic oversees the worst economic decline for almost 300 years,1 which will widen existing health inequalities.2 This has resulted in rising poverty levels and increasing numbers of people claiming state benefits, with probable knock-on effects for food insecurity and fuel poverty. This is on top of ongoing cuts to public services and welfare provisions, as well as rising unemployment. Some patient groups are more likely to suffer economic hardship, for example, those living with and beyond cancer are likely to experience ‘financial toxicity’ — the economic effects of cancer treatment.
Gopal DP, Beardon S, Caraher M, Woodhead C, Taylor SJ. Should we screen for poverty in primary care? Br J Gen Pract. 2021 Sep 30;71(711):468-469. doi: 10.3399/bjgp21X717317. PMID: 34593402.