Social prescribing in National Health Service primary care: What are the ethical considerations?
Milbank Q
Policy Points Social prescribing is proposed as a way of improving patients' health and well-being by attending to their non-clinical needs. This is done by connecting patients with community assets (typically voluntary or charitable organizations) that provide social and personal support. In the United Kingdom, social prescribing is used to improve patient well-being and reduce use of National Health Service resources. Although social prescribing schemes hold promise, evidence of their effects and effectiveness is sparse. As more information on social prescribing is gathered, it will be important to consider the associated ethical issues for patients, clinicians, link workers, and community assets.
Brown RCH, Mahtani K, Turk A, Tierney S. Social prescribing in National Health Service primary care: what are the ethical considerations? Milbank Q. June 25, 2021.