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Social Risks vs. Social Needs: Assessing Patients' Interest in Assistance

Patel M, De Marchis E

This episode is the final in a series of five conversations focused on health care sector efforts to increase Awareness about both patient and community-level social conditions. Minal Patel, PhD, MPH, an associate professor of health behavior and health education at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, speaks with Emilia De Marchis, MD, MAS, an assistant professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of California San Francisco, a family physician, and a member of the SIREN research team. Minal and Emilia explore a wide range of reasons why patients who screen positive for a social risk may not desire related assistance from the health care team. They also discuss how staff and provider training might influence patient interest in assistance interventions.


Recommended references:

Patel M, De Marchis E. Social risks vs. social needs: assessing patients' interest in assistance. SIREN Coffee and Science. March 30, 2021. Available online. 

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