Strengthening the U. S. medication safety net by connecting abundance to need
J Health Care Poor Underserved
Cost-related medication non-adherence (CRN) is a major population health concern in the United States, especially for patients with chronic conditions. It is associated with disease progression and increases the likelihood of emergency department utilization and hospitalization, thereby increasing overall health care expenditures. In this paper, we describe the prescription medication safety net in the United States and assess its reliability. We also introduce Dispensary of Hope (DoH), a charitable medication distribution network, as a reliable medication access program that is capable of filling gaps in medication coverage for low-income and uninsured Americans. Our critical assessment of the medication safety net in the United States suggests that an expansion of DoH could reduce CRN in the United States, improve chronic illness care, and help health systems achieve the triple aim of improving patient experiences and population health while reducing cost.
Chima CC, Bruce MA, Pendergrass DB, et al. Strengthening the U. S. medication safety net by connecting abundance to need. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2020;31(2):503-518. doi:10.1353/hpu.2020.0038