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Unmuddy the waters – How healthcare and social sector partners are improving communication on the journey upstream

R. Manchanda, D.L. Hughes, K. Verlander

As more organizations forge clinical-community partnerships and join multi-sector collaboratives to address social determinants of health, we’re seeing healthcare, social service, and public health stakeholders use different words, terms, and definitions. This lack of clarity and precision in communication is muddying the waters, making it harder for partners to move upstream rapidly and effectively. In this webinar, national leaders in the upstream movement will share lessons from the frontlines of implementation and policy. Speakers highlighted ways stakeholders in multi-sector collaboratives and clinical-community partnerships can better communicate about social determinants of health and health equity.

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Manchanda R, Hughes DL, Verlander K. Unmuddy the waters – How healthcare and social sector partners are improving communication on the journey upstream. April 24, 2019. Available online.

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