December 2024 Research Round-Up
We share some articles published since the last newsletter, handpicked for you. For a full list, see the SIREN Evidence and Resource Library. As always, if you are aware of resources that you think should be added to the library, please send them our way.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Using Z Codes to Document Social Risk Factors in the Electronic Health Record: A Scoping Review Baker KM, Hill MA, Goldberg DG, et al. | Medical Care
Physician Documentation of Social Determinants of Health: Results from Two National Surveys Iott BE, Patel V, Richwine C | Journal of General Internal Medicine
Health-Related Social Needs Screening, Reporting, and Assistance in a Large Health System Llamocca EN, Bossick AS, Perkins DW, et al. | Preventive Medicine
Pilot Implementation and Qualitative Evaluation of a Financial Hardship Screening Among Native American Patients with Cancer Janitz AE, Anderson-Buettner AS, Madison SD, et al. | Supportive Care in Cancer
Charting New Territory: The Early Lessons in Integrating Social Determinant of Health (SDOH) Measures into Practice Nava A, Bishop K, Lissin P, Harrington RL | Health Affairs Scholar
The Social Risk ACTIONS Framework: Characterizing Responses to Social Risks by Health Care Delivery Organizations Rao M, Maciejewski ML, Nelson K, et al. | Population Health Management
Addressing Social and Health Needs in Health Care: Characterizing Case Managers' Work to Address Patient-Defined Goals Brewster AL, Hernandez E, Knox M, Rubio K, Sachdeva I | Health Services Research
Design and Framework of a Technology-Based Closed-Loop Referral Project for Care Coordination of Social Determinants of Health Sharma SV, McPherson H, Sandoval M, et al. | Population Health Management
Impact of an Inpatient Social Needs Screening Program: Did Our Referral Resolve Your Need? Lax Y, Pacheco A, Yost E, et al. | Hospital Pediatrics
The Rise of Pediatric Inpatient Social Needs Screening and Referral Systems Leary JC, Landrigan CP, Garg A | Academic Pediatrics
Emergency Department Food Insecurity Screening, Food Voucher Distribution and Utilization: A Prospective Cohort Study Ulintz AJ, Patel SS, Anderson K, et al. | Western Journal of Emergency Medicine
Evaluation of an Indigenous Produce Box Program: Food Access and Nutrition in an Urban American Indian/Alaska Native Community Keshen R, Riggs C, Vaidya N, et al. | Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
Caregiver Perspectives on Pediatric Primary Care Clinic-Based Food and Nutrition Assistance Programs Vasan A, Negro D, Yazdani M, et al. | Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
Hospitalized and Hungry: A Mixed Methods Study Assessing Immigrant Caregiver Perspectives on an Inpatient Food Insecurity Intervention Masciale M, Asaithambi R, Gibbs KD, et al. | Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
Hunger in the Hospital: Assessing Inpatient Caregiver Food Insecurity and a Program to Address It Schmitt M, Bejar AR, Trieu E, Farnan S, Williams NF, Bruce J | Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
Commentaries & Blogs
Cross-Sector Support for a Policy Framework to Tackle Social Determinants of Health Butler SM | JAMA Health Forum
Prioritizing Research on Social Determinants of Health-"Yes, and…" Zenk SN, Simoni JM, Pérez-Stable EJ | JAMA Internal Medicine
Tools and Toolkits
Social Needs Investment Lab | Elevance Health and HealthBegins