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Equity assessment tools and measures

Pereira N, Hemphill NO, Chaudhry MK, Chantarat, TB
Presentations from 2022 SIREN National Research Meeting: Racial Health Equity in Social Care

Speakers: Nicole Pereira (Blue Shield of CA), Nefertiti OjiNjideka Hemphill (ATW Health Solutions), Muhammad Khanan Chaudhry (ATW Health Solutions), Tontgan “Bert” Chantarat (University of Minnesota)

Moderator: Mini Kahlon (Dell Medical School)

Discussant: Sharon Alexander (Patient Insight Institute; SIREN)


  1. “Turning up the HEAT on health equity: developing a tool to systematically assess the health equity impact of health transformation initiatives” [PDF] by Nicole Pereira
  2. “The importance of policy assessment to dismantle the impact of racism on the availability and effectiveness of social care” [PDF] by Nefertiti OjiNjideka Hemphill and Muhammad Khanan Chaudhry
  3. "Measuring structural racism" [PDF] by  Tongtan “Bert” Chantarat
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