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A financial case for a medical-legal partnership: Reducing lengths of stay for inpatient care

Richman BD, Barrett B, Mohan R, Sangvai D
J Law Med Ethics

While Medical-Legal Partnerships (MLPs) have improved the health and well-being of the people they serve, most healthcare institutions will only invest in an MLP if they are convinced that doing so will improve its balance sheet. This article offers a detailed estimation of the cost savings that an MLP targeted toward the most acute legal needs would accrue to an academic medical center (AMC) in North Carolina.

Richman BD, Barrett B, Mohan R, Sangvai D. A financial case for a medical-legal partnership: reducing lengths of stay for inpatient care. J Law Med Ethics. 2023;51(4):771-776. DOI:10.1017/jme.2023.148. PMID: 38477282

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Peer Reviewed Research
Social Determinant of Health
Legal Services
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