Identifying and addressing social determinants of health in the primary care clinical training environment: A survey of the landscape
J Health Care Poor Underserved
Introduction. This study surveyed the use of systematic strategies to address social determinants of health in the primary care clinical training environment. Methods. We designed a 51-item questionnaire targeting medical educators from internal medicine, pediatrics, and family practice to assess strategies to identify and mitigate social needs, the role of trainees in this process, and barriers/facilitators to systematic approaches. Results. The survey was completed by 104 medical educators from 77 institutions. Of the 104 respondents, 28% were not familiar with any standardized tools used for screening for social needs, 27% use geospatial (GIS) or geographic information system (GIG) data, and 35% reported that trainees were not involved in any part of assisting. Conclusion. Nearly one third of medical educators lack familiarity with standardized screening tools for social needs. More than one third reported that trainees are not involved with mitigating social needs. Geospatial and GIS data are not utilized frequently.
Parzuchowski A, Wright K, Lipiszko D, et al. Identifying and Addressing Social Determinants of Health in the Primary Care Clinical Training Environment: A Survey of the Landscape. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2020; 31(5), 306-319. doi:10.1353/hpu.2020.0155.