Should there be common health outcome metrics for social care intervention research?
Presentations from SIREN 2019 National Research Meeting
Day 1 (2/4) 2:45 - 4:00pm
Session Description
The wide range in outcome measures used across studies focused on social health interventions has limited the capacity to compare the effectiveness of these initiatives. Panelists will describe a range of health outcomes (e.g. biological measures and patient reported outcomes) that could be considered in a common core of health outcome measures across linkage studies. Discussion will focus both on whether it is important to have a core set of measures and if so, a process for identifying included measures.
Laura Gottlieb, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Family and Community Medicine, UCSF
Dr. Gottlieb is an Associate Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. Her research focuses on evaluating programs and policies that aim to increase health care system activities related to identifying and addressing social risk factors in the context of care delivery. She is director of the Social Interventions Research and Evaluation Network, which synthesizes and catalyzes research at the intersection of social and medical care.
Bob Kaplan, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Stanford University; Former Chief Science Officer, US Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ); Former Associate Director National Institutes of Health
Dr. Kaplan has served as Chief Science Officer at the US Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) and Associate Director of the National Institutes of Health, where he led the behavioral and social sciences programs. He is also a Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Health Services and Medicine at UCLA, where he led the UCLA/RAND AHRQ health services training program and the UCLA/RAND CDC Prevention Research Center. He is currently Director of Research at the Stanford School of Medicine Clinical Excellence Research Center (CERC).
Presentation: "Health Related Quality of Life and Health Status"
Ashley Wilder Smith, PhD, MPH, Chief, Outcomes Research Branch, Healthcare Delivery Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ashley Wilder Smith, PhD, MPH, is Chief of the Outcomes Research Branch (ORB) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the National Institutes of Health. The Outcomes Research Branch is part of a Healthcare Delivery Research Program and is focused on facilitating investigations related to understanding and improving health outcomes and quality care for cancer patients, survivors and families. Dr. Smith is also the NIH Chief Science Officer of a trans-NIH research resource that supports the availability and implementation of four person-centered health outcome assessment systems: PROMIS®, the NIH Toolbox®, Neuro-QOL, and ASCQ-Me™.
Presentation: "Measuring Patient Health with PROMIS®: Applications for Social Integration Research and Care"
Neeta Thakur, MD, Assistant Professor, UCSF School of Medicine
Dr. Thakur is an assistant professor of medicine and a pulmonologist specializing in health disparities research in obstructive lung disease. Her primary research goals are directed towards 1) defining asthma phenotypes that exist in racially and ethnically diverse communities; 2) identifying individuals at high risk for poor outcomes using a risk profile composed of genetic, biomarker, clinical, and socio-environmental data; and 3) developing targeted interventions aimed at social and environmental factors to improve asthma in high risk groups.
Presentation: "Biomarkers of Stress...Are We There Yet?"