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The SIREN Evidence & Resource Library has expanded to include both peer-reviewed publications and other types of resources such as webinars and screening tools/toolkits on medical and social care integration. To limit your search to peer-reviewed articles, select Peer Reviewed Research under Resource Type. If you have questions about how to use the library or suggestions about additional resources, view this help document or write us at siren@ucsf.edu.
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Displaying 424 - 432 of 3617
Designing a health-related social needs strategy in Medicaid: State considerations
Center For Health Care Strategies
Keywords:Community-Based Organization (CBO)
Publication year
Resource type
Tools & Toolkits
Social prescribing in Canada: Health promotion in action, 50 years after the Lalonde report
Mulligan K, Card KG, Allison S
Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can
Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can
Publication year
Resource type
Commentaries & Blogs
Black-focused social prescribing: The importance of an afrocentric approach
Ramirez S, Beaudin N, Rayner J, Price N, Townsend D
Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can
Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Charting a path to the quintuple aim: Harnessing AI to address social determinants of health
Shah YB, Goldberg ZN, Harness ED, Nash DB
Int J Environ Res Public Health
Int J Environ Res Public Health
Keywords:Health IT/Technology
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Voice-enabled response analysis agent (VERAA): Leveraging large language models to map voice responses in SDoH survey
Krishnamoorthy R, Nagarajan V, Pour H, Shashikumar SP, Boussina A, Farcas E, Nemati S, Josef CS
AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc
AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Screening for food and nutrition insecurity in the healthcare setting: A cross-sectional survey of non-medicaid insured adults in an integrated healthcare delivery system
Byker Shanks C, Gordon NP
J Prim Care Community Health
J Prim Care Community Health
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Characteristics of hospital and health system initiatives to address social determinants of health in the United States: A scoping review of the peer-reviewed literature
Rangachari P, Thapa A, Sherpa DL, Katukuri K, Ramadyani K, Jaidi HM, Goodrum L
Front Public Health
Front Public Health
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Screening for economic hardship at child health care centres: A qualitative study of stakeholders' perceptions and experiences of the healthier wealthier families model in Sweden
Johansson N, Warner G, Avogadri N, Sarkadi A
Scand J Public Health
Scand J Public Health
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Can 'what is known' about social isolation and loneliness interventions sufficiently inform the clinical practice of health care and social service professionals who work with older adults? exploring knowledge-to-practice gaps
Horgan S, Prorok J, Conn D, Checkland C, Saunders J, Watson-Borg B, Tinley L
Healthcare (Basel)
Healthcare (Basel)
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research