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Displaying 523 - 531 of 3617
Parent perspectives on documentation and sharing of health-related social needs data
Bouchelle Z, G. Menko S, Yazdani M, Vasan A, Scribano P, Shea JA, Kenyon CC
Hosp Pediatr
Hosp Pediatr
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Phone versus in-person navigation of social needs and caregivers' desire for resources in the pediatric emergency department
Messineo E, Bouchelle Z, Strange A, Ciarlante A, VonHoltz L, Murray A, Cullen D
Acad Pediatr
Acad Pediatr
Keywords:Emergency department
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Perspectives on supporting veterans' social needs during hospital to home health transitions: Findings from the transitions nurse program
Daus M, Lee M, Ujano-De Motta LL, Holstein A, Morgan B, Albright K, Ayele R, McCarthy M, Sjoberg H, Jones CD
BMC Health Serv Res
BMC Health Serv Res
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Income and household material hardship in children with medical complexity
Wright SM, Zaniletti I, Goodwin EJ, Gupta RC, Larson IA, Winterer C, Hall M, Colvin JD
Hosp Pediatr
Hosp Pediatr
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Elder abuse geriatrics: Describing an important new medical specialist
Bloemen EM, Tietz S, Lindberg DM, Hayes J, Lum H, Gottesman E, Elman A, Sullivan M, Pino C, McAuley J, Shaw A, Hancock D, Chang ES, Yasui R, LoFaso VM, Stern ME, Rosen T
J Elder Abuse Negl
J Elder Abuse Negl
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Social determinants among pregnant clients with perinatal depression, anxiety, or serious mental illness
Blebu B, Jackson A, Reina A, Dossett EC, Saleeby E
Health Aff (Millwood)
Health Aff (Millwood)
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Children with chronic health conditions and social needs: Investigating outcomes to drive health system improvements
McKenna KJ, Fiori KP, Chambers EC
Clin Pediatr (Phila)
Clin Pediatr (Phila)
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Feasibility and impact assessment of a food insecurity protocol in a large urban pediatric primary care network
Kim N, Fischer L, Gross SH, Weissman M, Essel K
J Prim Care Community Health
J Prim Care Community Health
Keywords:Primary care, Protocol
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Wellnest: A medical student-run housing support program
Dalapati T, George IA, Tracey S, Chukrun T, Brown M, Biederman DJ
Acad Med
Acad Med
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research