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The SIREN Evidence & Resource Library has expanded to include both peer-reviewed publications and other types of resources such as webinars and screening tools/toolkits on medical and social care integration. To limit your search to peer-reviewed articles, select Peer Reviewed Research under Resource Type. If you have questions about how to use the library or suggestions about additional resources, view this help document or write us at siren@ucsf.edu.
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Displaying 811 - 819 of 3633
Beyond the basics: A novel approach to integrating a social determinants of health curriculum into an emergency medicine course
Turgeon NJ, Dolbec K, On F, Lash E, Reed E, Wallace K, Fortune A, Wells KM
West J Emerg Med
West J Emerg Med
Keywords:Emergency department
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Telephone-based social health screening by pharmacists in the nonadherent Medicare population
Wu L, Chang C, Lo K, Butler K, Uratsu C, McCloskey J, Ranatunga D, Grant R, Deguzman L
J Manag Care Spec Pharm
J Manag Care Spec Pharm
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
North Carolina's Medicaid transformation: The early enrollee experience
Hanchate AD, Abdelfattah L, Palakshappa D, Montez KG, Crotts C, Zimmer RP
J Gen Intern Med
J Gen Intern Med
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Integrating a resilience framework to assess implementation of a novel HIV care re-engagement model in NYC
Baim-Lance A, Addison D, Archer N, Gordon P, Duke S, Shubert V, Nash D, Robertson M
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Addressing social determinants of health in family medicine practices
Sand J, Morgan ZJ, Peterson LE
Popul Health Manag
Popul Health Manag
Keywords:Primary care
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Changes in health care utilization during the first 2 years of Massachusetts Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations
Sabatino MJ, Mick EO, Ash AS, Himmelstein J, Alcusky MJ
Popul Health Manag
Popul Health Manag
Keywords:Accountable Care Organization (ACO)
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
The AHEAD model and the potential to advance equity through population-based care
Liao J, Navathe A
Health Affairs Forefront
Health Affairs Forefront
Publication year
Resource type
Commentaries & Blogs
Evaluation of the predictive value of routinely collected health-related social needs measures
Savitz ST, Inselman S, Nyman MA, Lee M
Popul Health Manag
Popul Health Manag
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Effect of a social care intervention on health care experiences of caregivers of hospitalized children: A randomized clinical trial
Glasser NJ, Lindau ST, Wroblewski K, Abramsohn EM, Burnet DL, Fuller CM, Miller DC, O'Malley CA, Shiu E, Waxman E, Makelarski JA
JAMA Pediatr
JAMA Pediatr
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research