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Differential impacts of social care interventions – Part 2

Ahmadi-Montecalvo H, Natalie J. Tedford NJ, Miller M, Garg R
Presentations from 2022 SIREN National Research Meeting: Racial Health Equity in Social Care

Speakers: Halima Ahmadi-Montecalvo (Unite Us), Natalie J. Tedford (University of Utah Health | Primary Children's Hospital), Mary Miller (United Way Worldwide), Rachel Garg (Washington University in St Louis)

Moderator: Pablo Buitrón de la Vega (Boston University School of Medicine; Boston Medical Center)

Discussant: Sharon Alexander (Patient Insight Institute; SIREN)


This is the second panel session presenting studies that examined heterogeneous treatment effects of social care among different racial or ethnic groups.

  1.  “Social care in the time of COVID-19: insights from technology-powered coordinated care networks” [PDF] by Halima Ahmadi-Montecalvo
  2. “Social needs screening during pediatric emergency department visits: language differences in reported needs” [PDF] by Natalie Tedford
  3. “Exploring social care research possibilities with 211” [PDF] by Mary Miller and Rachel Garg
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