Evidence & Resource Library
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The SIREN Evidence & Resource Library has expanded to include both peer-reviewed publications and other types of resources such as webinars and screening tools/toolkits on medical and social care integration. To limit your search to peer-reviewed articles, select Peer Reviewed Research under Resource Type. If you have questions about how to use the library or suggestions about additional resources, view this help document or write us at siren@ucsf.edu.
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Displaying 622 - 630 of 3617
Longitudinal effectiveness of a woman-led, nurse delivered health promotion intervention for women who have experienced intimate partner violence: iHeal randomized controlled trial
Ford-Gilboe M, Varcoe C, Scott-Storey K, Browne AJ, Jack SM, Jackson K, Mantler T, O'Donnell S, Patten-Lu N, Smye V, Wathen CN, Perrin N
BMC Public Health
BMC Public Health
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Social isolation, loneliness, and quality of life among food-insecure adults
Park S, Berkowitz SA
Am J Prev Med
Am J Prev Med
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
The contextual interview: A cross-cutting patient-interviewing approach for social context
Cahill A, Martin M, Beachy B, Bauman D, Howard-Young J
Med Educ Online
Med Educ Online
Keywords:Health Professional Education
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Homelessness and health: Factors, evidence, innovations that work, and policy recommendations
Garcia C, Doran K, Kushel M
Health Aff (Millwood)
Health Aff (Millwood)
Publication year
Resource type
Commentaries & Blogs
Addressing social risks to accelerate health equity in cancer prevention and control
McDougall JA, Hastert TA, Teteh DK, Rogers CR, Moss JL, Ochoa-Dominguez CY, Chebli P, Sutton AL, Qin B, Warner ET, Xiong S
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Unmet social needs and breast cancer screening utilization and stage at presentation
Goel N, Lubarsky M, Hernandez AE, Benck K, Lee E, Kesmodel S, Knaul F, Kobetz E, Anderson BO
JAMA Network Open
JAMA Network Open
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Early correlates of school readiness before and during the COVID-19 pandemic linking health and school data
Copeland KA, Porter L, Gorecki MC, Reyner A, White C, Kahn RS
JAMA Pediatr
JAMA Pediatr
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Early results of an initiative to assess exposure to firearm violence in ambulatory care: descriptive analysis of electronic health record data
Cook N, Hoopes M, Biel FM, Cartwright N, Gordon M, Sills M
JMIR Public Health Surveill
JMIR Public Health Surveill
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Challenges in implementing interventions to address the social determinants of mental health
Kessler RC
World Psychiatry
World Psychiatry
Publication year
Resource type
Commentaries & Blogs