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The SIREN Evidence & Resource Library has expanded to include both peer-reviewed publications and other types of resources such as webinars and screening tools/toolkits on medical and social care integration. To limit your search to peer-reviewed articles, select Peer Reviewed Research under Resource Type. If you have questions about how to use the library or suggestions about additional resources, view this help document or write us at siren@ucsf.edu.
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Displaying 784 - 792 of 3633
Sustainably implementing social determinants of health interventions in the pediatric emergency department
Assaf RR, Dolce M, Garg A
JAMA Pediatr
JAMA Pediatr
Publication year
Resource type
Commentaries & Blogs
The development and initial feasibility testing of D-HOMES: A behavioral activation-based intervention for diabetes medication adherence and psychological wellness among people experiencing homelessness
Vickery KD, Ford BR, Gelberg L, Bonilla Z, Strother E, Gust S, Adair E, Montori VM, Linzer M, Evans MD, Connett J, Heisler M, O'Connor PJ, Busch AM
Front Psychol
Front Psychol
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Community perceptions of health equity: A qualitative study
Salisu M, Blackwell T, Lewis G, Hoglund MW, DiVittis A, Chahal K, Samuels C, Boutin-Foster C, Montgomery D, Afable A
J Prim Care Community Health
J Prim Care Community Health
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Creating healing-centered spaces for intimate partner violence survivors in the postpartum unit: Examining current practices and desired resources among health care providers and postpartum people
Scott SE, Jenkins G, Mickievicz E, Saladino J, Rick AM, Levenson R, Chang JC, Randell KA, Duplessis V, Miller E, Ragavan M
J Womens Health (Larchmt)
J Womens Health (Larchmt)
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Integrating community health workers' dual clinic-community role in safety-net primary care: Implementation lessons from a pragmatic diabetes-prevention trial
Gore R, Engelberg RS, Johnson D, Jebb O, Schwartz MD, Islam N
J Gen Intern Med
J Gen Intern Med
Keywords:Community Health Worker (CHW)
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Consumers’ perceptions of their health- related social needs
Baer T, Esho A, Leonard S, Mandel A, VanLare J
McKinsey’s Healthcare Practice
McKinsey’s Healthcare Practice
Publication year
Resource type
Issue Briefs & Reports
Social determinants of health: A multilingual standardized patient case to practice interpreter use in a telehealth visit
Guizado de Nathan G, Shaw LK, Doolen J
Keywords:Health Professional Education
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
"Everyone's struggling right now": Impact of COVID-19 on addressing food insecurity in rural primary care
Suresh A, Jordanova KE, Boardman MB, Canavan CR, D'Cruze T T, Dev A, Kennedy MA
Fam Pract
Fam Pract
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Initial medical assessment of possible child sexual abuse: History, history, history
Dubowitz H, Finkel M, Feigelman S, Lyon T
Acad Pediatr
Acad Pediatr
Publication year
Resource type
Commentaries & Blogs