Evidence & Resource Library
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The SIREN Evidence & Resource Library has expanded to include both peer-reviewed publications and other types of resources such as webinars and screening tools/toolkits on medical and social care integration. To limit your search to peer-reviewed articles, select Peer Reviewed Research under Resource Type. If you have questions about how to use the library or suggestions about additional resources, view this help document or write us at siren@ucsf.edu.
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Displaying 793 - 801 of 3633
Using the matrixed multiple case study approach to identify factors affecting the uptake of IPV screening programs following the use of implementation facilitation
Adjognon OL, Brady JE, Iverson KM, Stolzmann K, Dichter ME, Lew RA, Gerber MR, Portnoy GA, Iqbal S, Haskell SG, Bruce LA, Miller CJ
Implement Sci Commun
Implement Sci Commun
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Results from Accountable Health Communities Model
Rojas Smith L, Parish W, Crane G, O'Connor S
Keywords:Accountable Health Communities (AHC)
Publication year
Resource type
Podcasts & Webinars
SIREN Resources
Innovations in social health delivery to advance equitable pediatric and adolescent life course health development: A review and roadmap forward
Liu PY, Spiker S, Holguin M, Schickedanz A
Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care
Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Referrals to community and state agencies to address social determinants of health for improving mental health, functioning, and quality of care outcomes for diverse adults: North Carolina and Massachusetts, September 2019-January 2023
Alegría M, Cruz-Gonzalez M, Markle SL, Falgas-Bague I, Poindexter C, Stein GL, Eddington K, Martinez Vargas AE, Fuentes L, Cheng M, Shrout PE
Am J Public Health
Am J Public Health
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Area-level social determinants of health and individual-level social risks: Assessing predictive ability and biases in social risk screening
Bensken WP, McGrath BM, Gold R, Cottrell EK
Journal of Clinical and Translational Science
Journal of Clinical and Translational Science
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
How health care organizations should support social services
Butler SM
JAMA Health Forum
JAMA Health Forum
Publication year
Resource type
Commentaries & Blogs
Integration of special supplemental nutrition program for woman, infants, and children (WIC) in primary care settings
Goldstein B, Steiner A, Vander Wielen L, Bennett K, Tomcho M
J Community Health
J Community Health
Keywords:Primary care
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Addressing the needs of multiple sclerosis caregivers from diagnosis onward: The development of a comprehensive online caregiver protocol
Kalb RC, Miller D, Strum J, Loud S
Int J MS Care
Int J MS Care
Keywords:Health IT/Technology
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research
Implementation and impacts of California Senate Bill 1152 on homeless discharge protocols
Aridomi H, Cartier Y, Taira B, Kim H, Yadav K, Gottlieb L
Publication year
Resource type
Peer Reviewed Research