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Displaying 10 - 18 of 61
Results from Accountable Health Communities Model
Rojas Smith L, Parish W, Crane G, O'Connor S
Keywords:Accountable Health Communities (AHC)
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Podcasts & Webinars
SIREN Resources
Evaluating Social Care Natural Experiments
Marino M, Kaufmann J
Publication year
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Podcasts & Webinars
SIREN Resources
Assessing and Improving Patients’ Experiences During Phone-Based Social Needs Screening & Referral Interventions
Steeves-Reece A, Frangie M, Gómez-Arboleda K, and Kang M
Publication year
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Podcasts & Webinars
SIREN Resources
Realist evaluation in social care research
Morrissey S, Bunce A
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Podcasts & Webinars
SIREN Resources
How do community resource referral platforms work for social service organizations?
Cartier Y, Fichtenberg C, Burnett J, Paulson G, Ricks-Stephen C
Publication year
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Podcasts & Webinars
SIREN Resources
Exploring the New National Social Care Quality Measures: How Do We Define and Measure Social Needs and High-Quality Social Care?
Carrier E, DeMars C, Fraze T, Paliani S, Gottlieb L
Publication year
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Podcasts & Webinars
SIREN Resources
Minding gaps in health care and social care
Cacioppo A, Shiu E, Samuel L
Presentations from 2022 SIREN National Research Meeting: Racial Health Equity in Social Care
Presentations from 2022 SIREN National Research Meeting: Racial Health Equity in Social Care
Keywords:2022 SIREN National Research Meeting
Publication year
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Podcasts & Webinars
SIREN Resources
Modern day elderhood councils: A community-based intervention
Ababio M, Parrish M, Habi D, Tahirah I
Presentations from 2022 SIREN National Research Meeting: Racial Health Equity in Social Care
Presentations from 2022 SIREN National Research Meeting: Racial Health Equity in Social Care
Keywords:2022 SIREN National Research Meeting
Publication year
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Podcasts & Webinars
SIREN Resources
Actions speak louder: Fulfilling social care’s racial health equity potential
Hamlett L, Walker S, Reynoso A, McNear M, Harrell T, Angove R
Presentations from 2022 SIREN National Research Meeting: Racial Health Equity in Social Care
Presentations from 2022 SIREN National Research Meeting: Racial Health Equity in Social Care
Keywords:2022 SIREN National Research Meeting
Publication year
Resource type
Podcasts & Webinars
SIREN Resources